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Date: 6/1/2024
Subject: Village Vibes Newsletter -- June 2024
From: Tierrasanta Village of San Diego (TVSD)


A Message from the Board President
As we enter the month of June, Tierrasanta Village remains strong and vibrant. As I have previously said, our many member volunteers play a significant role in this success.

One of the Board’s goals is to get our organization on a solid financial footing. We are blessed with a significant amount of funds; however, we aim to have our annual income cover our annual expenses. The creation and implementation of two initiatives are moving us in the right direction. These efforts have been spear-headed by our employees, Cassandra and Terri.

One of Terri’s responsibilities has been to search out and identify opportunities to apply for grants. With help from some members, she has been successful in attracting two grants in 2024. Combined, they generated $23,500 in our 2024 budget. We are hoping to learn more about how to identify and apply for grants, so we can increase the income they generate.

Cassandra has done an amazing job pulling together our Supporting Partners Program. We have six organizations that have signed onto our program. They are LUV SD Realty, Wedeking Law, Senior Advisory Council, ES3 Physical Therapy, Partners in Aging and Rancho San Carlos Pet Clinic. The Senior Advisory Council consists of ten firms that offer services for seniors and their families in four areas of planning and support.

Though the Supporting Partners program will provide TVSD with valuable income, this program serves a dual purpose. This program affords the opportunity to inform our members of services available to them within our community. The Board only accepts firms into this program that enjoy a good reputation and are known to be ethical in their dealings with people.

Please take some time to educate yourself by looking them up on our website.

For me, June begins the summer. Sue and I will be in Maine by the time you are reading this newsletter. I want to wish each of you a safe, fun filled and productive summer. Though we’ll enjoy time with our families and friends while in Maine, we will miss the many friends we have here. I can assure you, the Board will continue its work. Our monthly meetings will be held using Zoom. In tandem with emails and phone, I will remain connected.

“It’s a smile, it’s a kiss, it’s a sip wine…’s summertime!”—-Kenny Chesney
- Ken Ross, TVSD Board President

New Village Supporting Partner
Steve Wedeking of Wedeking Law is TVSD's newest Supporting Partner! We are grateful for his partnership and expertise in the area of Estate Planning.  On July 16th 1:30-3:00 p.m. Steve will provide an estate planning seminar, helping members to understand what all seniors should know about Wills, Estate Planning, Health Care Documents, and Asset Protection. Learn about the 4 essential components of a comprehensive estate plan and whether you need a will, a trust, or both to protect your family and safeguard your assets. This event is also available via Zoom and the meeting link will be provided at the time of registration.

If you have interest in attending the in person presentation at 1:30 p.m. on July 16th, it is best to register now to reserve your seat. In mid-June this event will officially open to the Tierrasanta Community as an educational opportunity courtesy of TVSD.
There is an alternate option to learn about estate planning documents if the above presentation times do not work for your schedule. Steve is offering TVSD members a private, complimentary wealth planning session to determine which estate planning documents may be needed to safeguard your family assets. This member discount is listed alongside other member offers on the TVSD website

Tierrasanta Parade & Craft Fair
Like all years, the recent Tierrasanta Parade was full of fun, and thanks to TVSD, there were plenty of bubbles and candy too! Our parade marchers had bubble machines which the kids LOVED just about as much as the candy.  Thanks to member donations, marchers handed out candy to every kiddo watching the parade. This year TVSD looked especially great in the parade thanks to Art & Gail Wilson and their 1909 Ford!  
Both the Craft Fair and Tierrafest seemed a bit quieter than past years but lovely just the same.  TVSD hosted a successful game booth at Tierrafest and now has the supplies needed to operate the same booth at Oktoberfest, as well as Tierrafest each year.
THANK YOU to every volunteer who took part in this year's festivities.  Thank you for your time marching, manning booths and for your donations!

Social Connections Forum – Getting to Know Others
by Candy Walsh and Mark Lasky

A Member Survey taken earlier this year showed that members wanted to get to know other members.  Your Board of Directors has initiated a segment at the Monthly Member Meeting where the emphasis is getting to know others and it has been well received.

The next effort in accomplishing this initiative is to put in place a very special member benefit.  We are making available to our members a private online forum which only they can access on the TVSD website.  What is a forum?  It is an online discussion site where members can have conversations with others by posting messages.  Have something you want to ask or share with other members?  This is the place to do it.

This forum will go live on Monday, June 10th.  This article in the Vibes, plus a detailed description at the Monthly Meeting on June 3rd, and a TVSD detailed email to the membership will announce this kickoff.  We will also have an introductory website page accessible via the Discussion Forums item (in the Resources menu) that will give you instructions how to log into the forum and more.  Then on June 10th, you will receive a notification email from the Social Connections Forum advising of the very first post.  It, too, will point you to where you can find the information on how to use our Social Connections Forum.
How do we access the Social Connections Forum? First, you need to log into the TVSD website, click on Resources in the main home page menu, and then Discussion Forums. Here you’ll find some introductory info plus a link to take you to the Social Connections Forum where you can post a message and/or see what your fellow Villagers have to say.

How will you know that someone has posted a message on the Social Connections Forum? Our members will each receive an email notifying them of that posting which will be delivered to your inbox immediately. Within the body of the email, you will see a link that says online. If you click on it, it will launch the TVSD website allowing you to log in and be automatically taken to the forum page. Here you can reply with your own post for all forum participants to see. If you’d prefer to respond only to the individual (the poster), simply click on their email address (a link which also appears in the body of the post) and draft an email to them directly.

Remember, this is a private forum for members only, so it is safe to put your phone number or address in your post. This Forum is integrated with the TVSD website on the Club Express platform which already has all of our member information including our directory.

To better understand what we were getting into we have consulted with another Village who has had a Social Connections Forum for the past 10 years. They have had very positive results. We expect the same. Further, our website software is chock full of settings to allow the members to customize the way the forums work for them. The TVSD leadership is making sure we have plenty of support resources available to teach you how to make any desired changes to your personal setup or even make them on your behalf. But first, we encourage you to give the Social Connections Forum a test drive.

What should you post? Remember, it’s a Social Connections Forum so think about making connections. Here are a number of examples of how you might want to use it:

• Anyone up for a cup of coffee at Industrial Grind Coffee tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m.?
• I need to borrow a wheelbarrow for a gardening project this weekend. Does anyone have one I can use?
• Do any Villagers want to have breakfast at Brothers Family Restaurant on Waring Road next Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m.?
• I have a bunch of CDs I am going to donate on Thursday, but if you’d like to look through them first, let me know.
• Can anyone recommend a good, affordable plumber?
• I have an extra ticket I’m trying to sell for the musical group ‘Santana’ on August 30th in Chula Vista, anyone interested, please call me at XXX.
• I have some succulent cuttings if anyone is interested in picking them up.
• Does anyone want to go to Mission Beach this Saturday morning to walk and people watch?
• I’d like to borrow a blow up bed for the first week of July as I have family visiting. Do you have one I can borrow?
• Does anyone want to meet at the Mexican Café for lunch?
• I can bring 6 guests to the Villa Portofino pool. Anyone interested in swimming this Wednesday from 1:00-2:30?
• We’re having a garage sale from 8:00 to 12:00 on Saturday, June 15th at XXX Address Street.

So let’s have some fun and get to know our fellow Villagers! Looking forward to hearing from you in the new Socials Connections forum!

Senior Advisory Council Presentation
 July 22, 2024
1:30 - 3:00 PM
Senior Advisory Council (SAC) is a group of dedicated professionals located in San Diego County who provide care planning needs for asset preservation, long term care, aging in place and general end of life solutions. The team at SAC consists of affiliated members who are dedicated to helping families recognize the need for long term care planning BEFORE it is truly needed.

SAC provides seniors and their families expertise in four major areas of planning and support to include: 
  Asset Preservation
  Legal, Estate/Trust Planning
  Senior Real Estate or Relocation 
  Home Care Service 

Join all of the SAC Advisors on July 22nd at 1:30 p.m. in the Seventh-day Adventist Church Fellowship Hall. Please register.
This event is also open to the Tierrasanta Community as an educational opportunity courtesy of TVSD.
Visit for additional information. 

Care Committee Corner
CBD Gummies - What Are They, Are They Legal, and Can They Help Me With My Pain?

Let me start by reminding you that your TVSD Care Committee is made up of TVSD members just like you: regular people who have wondered about the use of CBD gummies. We are NOT your physician, and not qualified to give you medical advice. That said, I went to the internet to find out if there were answers to the questions above. Guess what? There are many answers on the internet, and they often contradict each other! Bottom line: please check with your physician if you are considering the use of CBD products of any kind. Here’s a brief review of what I found.

What are they?

CBD stands for cannabidiol. In an April 4, 2024 article in Harvard Health, it is described as “the second most prevalent active ingredient in cannabis (marijuana). While CBD is an essential component of medical marijuana, it is derived directly from the hemp plant, a cousin of marijuana, or manufactured in a laboratory.” CBD gummies are a chewable form of cannabidiol.

Are They Legal?

California has a Department of Cannabis Control. Their website ( has an article that states, “California became the first state to allow medicinal cannabis use when voters passed the Compassionate Use Act in 1996. Today, cannabis is legal in California for both medicinal and adult (recreational) use.” I did not find the actual date that CBD products were legalized in California, or the date that they became available without a prescription.

Can They Help Me With My Pain?

Ask Your Physician. In all the information on the internet, there were conflicting answers, and many warnings. There are apparently many factors to consider, and you should consult your physician about any concerns you may have. Many articles listed the following concerns: the safety of the product, including the safety of the manufacturing process and the amount of CBD in the product; whether CBD may interact with any other medications taken, and possible side effects.

Two sources you may want to check out are:

- A video on YouTube by Ashby Village in Berkley, California entitled: “The ABCs of Medical Cannabis” presented by Laurie Vollen, M.D.; and

- “Introductory Guide for New Medical Marijuana Patients” at this link.

- TVSD Care Committee

Someone We Should Know

by Bernadette Kubacki 


The most important discoveries I have made about what I needed to know in life I learned from observing my parents—observing and forming opinions about what I saw.


They both worked at full-time jobs, and I recognized that some day I had to do the same.  So, I had to figure out what skills I wanted to use to earn money.  Not an easy task. What worked for me was recognizing some skills that I thought I could do well--and then aiming to learn them. The path was not short, and I would need to do varied jobs along the way. I appreciated the freedom given by my dad who, when asked by family, “Who does she take after?” would say, “She takes after herself.”


In addition to their full-time jobs, my parents helped family and friends on the weekends.  I discovered that I also liked being a helper--by giving information, by clearly explaining something, by performing a task for others, and by being a good listener, especially during “telephone appointments” that my busy family and friends need to make with each other in order to be sure we speak monthly. I like humor and telling jokes—so, if a phone conversation is rather serious, I use my collection of joke books and share those before we end a conversation.


A big gift from my father’s family was music—moving with it and singing. It is the gift that keeps on giving, and I am grateful to use it with the Village Vocals.  It was my pleasure to introduce my grandfather’s tribute song to his mother during the May monthly meeting, in honor of all of our mothers.


I discovered I love using words—so I play scrabble and make cards by penning my own words and thoughts and using photographs I have taken.


I can lose track of time while walking in gardens. 


Over time, I have learned to do what I have time and ability to do. To remove some of the pressure I have placed on myself to get more done and to make adjustments as my abilities change, I’ve learned to remember it is a good thing to care for self before trying to care for others—consider the reminder that on an airplane, we must place the oxygen mask on ourself first, so that we can help others.


The opportunities for movement I seek are provided by TVSD in its various exercise classes. The village also provides connections with what I most appreciate from others—time spent together, and touch.  I have also learned it is best to be respectful and say to an acquaintance, “I would like to hug you; is that okay?”  Smiles and/or hugs usually follow.


I am happy in Tierrasanta.  This summer marks my 50th year as a San Diegan.


I would like to be remembered as saying, “Be curious, be present, and enjoy the garden.”

Social Committee Updates

 A big “Thank you” to the members who planned and implemented our Taco Tuesday evening. The food from Taquizas Los Chuchys was delicious, the Village Vocals set the happy tone for the evening and the Fiesta games contributed to the fun and laughter. Our members pulled together to help put the chairs away and clean up the TLC patio. Teamwork and camaraderie, a winning combination! Enjoy these event photos courtesy of Mike Rigdon.

Cornhole and Pizza night is Friday, June 14th! If you haven’t already signed up on the Village Calendar to join for this fun event, sign up now!  Bottled Water and ice will be provided. As usual you are welcome to bring your own wine, beer or other refreshments. Note the time change from last year.

4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Cornhole Tournament & Social Hour
5:30 PM to 7:00 PM Pizza & Salad Dinner

**If you plan on playing cornhole, please contact the Front Desk and be sure to be at the Tierrasanta Lutheran Church by 4:00 PM ready for Gunnar to review the cornhole procedures and instructions. No experience necessary! It’s fun!

Concerts in the Park - Come join the Village to hear "Classic Journey" at the Tierrasanta Recreation Center. Event host Terri G. will arrive around 5:00 to reserve a good seating area on the lawn. Please register so Terri knows how much space to save  Arrive early to help save space or get food vendor items before the crowds start. Bring your own chairs or blankets. Free admission. Wear your Village t-shirt (if you have them) so we can more easily find each other. Feel free to contact Terri G. with any questions!


Save the Date: Friday, August 23rd, Village Luau for a catered dinner and entertainment!

Tuesday Lunch Bunch
June 18th at 11:30 a.m.
Kahn's Cave
Solo Network (SNAP)
BJ's Mission Valley
June 15th, 1:00 p.m.

June 2024 Village Events
Check out the full Event Calendar for all of the upcoming events, classes, and activities!

Thinking about joining Tierrasanta Village? 
Attend the next Informational Happy Hour! This event is an excellent way to meet our members and learn about the Village Movement.

Every 3rd Wednesday 4 to 5:30 p.m.

Let us know you'll be there with a Call/Text to 858-569-9119 or email 

Tierrasanta Village
Clubhouse Address:
5275 Rimpark Lane
 San Diego, CA 92124
Mailing Address:
10601 Tierrasanta Boulevard, G-405
San Diego, CA 92124