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Date: 7/1/2024
Subject: Village Vibes Newsletter - July 2024
From: Tierrasanta Village of San Diego (TVSD)


A Message from the Board President
I hope everyone’s summer is off to a good start. Sue and I are enjoying a warm beginning here in Maine. Maine is currently experiencing a record breaking three day heat wave. Thank goodness for air conditioning!

Your TVSD leaders continue to be active participating in activities to learn from others. As you likely know, the Village movement includes both National and State organizations. Village Movement California is holding their 6th annual statewide conference on September 12 and 13. This year, it is being held in La Jolla, so we have some leaders who will drive up to attend. Our National organization, Village to Village Network, is holding their annual conference September 25 & 26 via Zoom. We will have leaders attending this one, as well.

Being active in these two Village organizations affords us the opportunity to build relationships and to learn what others committed to serving seniors in their community are doing. Our attendance at prior conferences has brought back good ideas for our consideration. We are thankful for their mentorship and availability. We have developed some wonderful relationships with individual Villages in California, including right here in San Diego County, and are sharing ideas and information on a regular basis. I am thankful for the dedication of our TVSD leaders!

On the financial front, a review of our 2023 financials, by our own experienced Joyce Muinos, has been completed. Our record keeping is complete and accurate “for the most part”. She has offered some helpful suggestions for improvement that will put us in a better position should the IRS ever audit us. Thank you, Joyce!

In addition, Cassandra and Terri recently attended a grant writing seminar which was held over two partial days in June. The knowledge they gained will be helpful as we continue to search out and apply for grant funding.

As Steve Jobs once wrote, “Great things in business are never done by one person, they are done by a team of people.” We are blessed here at TVSD with a wonderful team of people taking on important roles at all levels! Thank you, all!
- Ken Ross, TVSD Board President

Social Committee Updates

A big “Thank you” to Georgia and Gunnar who spent many hours planning and organizing the Cornhole Pizza Night! Congrats to the winners of the cornhole tournament: First Place went to Jay Keyes and H.T. Linke and Second Place to Patty George and Vera Moldt. Thanks also to the Village Vocals who once again added spark with their two songs! Putting on a social event is no easy task, but with the help of a team, we were able to pull off a great event, so thank you to Mark and Dick for providing the upbeat music, Terri for purchasing supplies, Dick & LuAnn for their efforts in transporting all the water and supplies to the event, Ginny for the clever table décor, Thom for hauling 3 cornhole sets to the event, Melinda and Georgia for the yummy brownies, Jo & Sue for check-in and getting Cornhole Players assigned, Sue & Diana for preparing salad for 60 people and Cassandra for ordering and delivering the pizza. Teamwork was involved before, during and after the event. Way to go, Villagers! Enjoy photos of the Cornhole & Pizza Night, courtesy of Mike Rigdon, by clicking here.

Summer TVSD Luau
Ready for an upbeat Hawaiian Hula?! All villagers are invited to our Summer Luau,  August 23, on the patio of Tierrasanta Lutheran Church. Join us for a delicious dinner catered by L & L Hawaiian Barbeque, followed by Performers from Makani Kai Polynesian Dance Troupe. Dinner will include Hawaiian BBQ Chicken and Beef along with two side dishes plus dessert. Our Village Vocals will add to the fun and games! This is a great event you don’t want to miss. Cost is $25 per person payable at the time of registration via credit card or please send a check to TVSD.  All registrations must be received by August 7th in order to submit a proper headcount to the caterer. We're looking forward to another fun event together! Please register here.

Change to Clubhouse Hours
Please take note that beginning July 1st, TVSD Front Desk Hours will change to 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m Monday - Friday.
The majority of member activities occur between 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The change to Front Desk hours will allow village staff more time to interact with members in-person and help support activities happening at the Clubhouse.
For the Stretch & Balance Class held each Wednesday at 9 a.m., a volunteer or staff member will ensure the Clubhouse doors are unlocked for that event. 
Both the village email and phone will be monitored between the new hours of 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., Monday - Friday.
Please contact Terri or Cassandra at the Front Desk with any questions about these new hours.

Backpack Drive
Let’s start students off on the right track in their new school year with everything they need in a backpack! For families facing financial challenges, a fully-stocked backpack can be a game-changer as their kids head back to school. Each backpack will go to a child whose family is currently receiving assistance through Jewish Family Services (JFS). 
TVSD has committed to provide 20 backpacks!  Each backpack must have all items listed below, so to simplify donation collection, we ask that you please commit to purchasing all 20 of each item listed below.  You can also donate via cash or check. Monetary donations will be used to purchase the backpacks which are $25 each. Kindly include new items only please.
2024-2025 academic planner
Three-ring binder
Pack of loose-leaf lined paper
Pack of black or blue pens
Pack of glue sticks
Pack of #2 pencils
Pack of colored pencils
Pencil case
Pencil sharpener

If you would like to donate to this cause, please contact Sheila Weiner to sign up for an item to donate ( or 858-336-4619). You can deliver donations to the TVSD Outreach Committee: Sheila Weiner or Marilyn Bente, or to the VMC during the new office hours of 9:30 -12:30 Monday - Friday. Villagers are invited to help assemble the backpacks on 7/30 at 10 a.m. Register here is you are able to help. Thank you so much for supporting JFS and TVSD!

Care Committee Corner
Multigenerational Living - Is It For You?

The number of multigenerational households in the United States is on the rise. An article in USA Today in 2020 cited a study which said that 51.4 million Americans lived in multigenerational households, which at the time was a 10% increase from 2007. That equates to 1 in 6 Americans living with parents, children, grandchildren or other relatives.
Perhaps you know people who live in the same household with relatives. Maybe that’s you, or you are thinking about combining households. What are some considerations to keep in mind? Here are some benefits that were consistently mentioned in articles on the internet:

1. Finances. There can be huge benefits for all concerned. For example, with the rising cost of housing, parents and children may opt to combine households, sharing mortgage and other household expenses. Grandparents may opt to help with care for grandchildren while the parents go to work. Younger generations can help with caregiving for seniors.

2. Strengthening Family Relationships. Younger generations can learn from grandparents, and vice-versa. For example, grandparents can pass on wisdom learned in their lives, and grandchildren can help grandparents with new technology.

3. Companionship. Loneliness and isolation are diminished.

It’s important that all parties understand mutually agreed-upon boundaries, so the benefits of living with relatives aren’t outweighed by disadvantages. Personal privacy is important. Who pays for what, who cooks when, and who cleans what and when are also important topics of discussion. If everyone treats those in their household with respect, multigenerational living can work well. It’s an option for some of us, and a possible answer for how we can stay in our own homes longer.

June Theatre Outing

On June 1st twenty-two Villagers had a wonderful afternoon at Studio Diner and the San Diego Musical Theatre (SDMT) attending the play “Legally Blonde.” SDMT is a great little theatre close to Tierrasanta. We are lucky to have this venue so close to our neighborhood. Keep an eye out for other productions coming soon. TVSD will certainly enjoy future outings there!

Someone We Should Know
by Carol Lee

Patricia Martinez was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Patty’s Dad earned a degree in aerospace engineering and since no jobs were available in Santa Fe, the family moved to California when Patty was a baby. They loved California and, after several moves, they settled in Rancho Palos Verdes where they raised their family of eight children. Patty is the second oldest. Patty’s mom, Grace, whose dream had always been to have a large family and be a stay-at-home mom, not only fulfilled that dream, but also helped take care of her grandchildren as they came along. When Grace passed in 2023, there were 19 great-grandchildren and three more have been born since then.

Patty also enjoyed being a stay-at-home mom when her sons, Ben and Dan, and daughter Michelle, were born. She also helped many of her neighbors who worked, and her home was always full of children. The family lived in Ohio during the time her children were growing up. Patty would go to college later to achieve her dream of becoming a nurse. When her children were in elementary school she became a paramedic. Her most exciting memory is delivering a baby in the back of the squad on the side of the freeway! She also worked as a Medical Assistant in a Doctor’s office.

In 1999 after her last child graduated from high school, Patty decided to pursue her nursing degree. Her wish to be a nurse was prompted by the death of her little brother due to cancer at age nine. She admired the people who cared for her brother and wanted to be there for those who needed help like he did. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Magna Cum Laude, from Ohio University. She was a cardiac nurse in a hospital for 15 years. During this time she also taught in the nursing program at a community college. After she retired from the hospital, she worked as a summer camp nurse and a high school health teacher. Both positions reminded her how much she loves kids. Patty now works as a part-time school nurse at La Jolla Country Day School. She loves nursing … and kids!

In 2020 Patty realized how much her parents, still living in California, needed help, and she left her teaching job to move back to California to help them. Her grown sons, Ben and Dan, had already moved to San Diego, and Michelle moved to La Jolla in 2020. Ben eventually moved to Oregon.

After Patty lost both her parents, she relocated to San Diego and has lived in Tierrasanta almost one year. She has a nine-year-old granddaughter and a twelve-year-old grandson in Tierrasanta. When checking out opportunities for seniors, she found TVSD. Since she works mornings, she is limited in what activities she can join. She is on the Care Committee and in the Book Club. She was part of the committee that planned the Taco Party, but was not able to attend because her grandson was playing in the Championship baseball game for Tierrasanta Little League Majors! Her son Dan was one of the coaches. Her grandson hit in a total of four runs to help their team win the championship! Patty also recently began to volunteer at the zoo.

Patty’s words to live by: “In life I’ve learned to focus on gratitude for my life, no regrets about the past, or worries about what I might not have. Every night I list things I’m grateful for that happened that day. Practice Gratitude!"

Summer Speaker Series
In case you missed the latest Tierrasanta Pulse edition, TVSD is offering a speaker series to members as well as non-members in the community. Please share these events with you friends and neighbors!
Summer Speaker Series Sponsored by Tierrasanta Village:
Tierrasanta Village of San Diego (TVSD) is excited to announce its Summer Speaker Series which brings knowledgeable professionals to share their expertise with the community. TVSD invites the Tierrasanta community to hear from these presenters. The events are free and open to the public.

July 16th – Steve Wedeking, Wedeking Law 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Through this estate planning seminar, learn what all seniors should know about Wills, Estate Planning, Health Care Documents, and Asset Protection. Learn about the 4 essential components of a comprehensive estate plan and whether you need a will, a trust, or both to protect your family and safeguard your assets. This event is also available via Zoom and the meeting link will be provided at the time of registration. A second presentation is available online via Zoom on July 16th 5:30-7:00 p.m. To register for this online event, go to

July 22nd – Senior Advisory Council 1:30 -3:00 p.m.
Senior Advisory Council (SAC) is a group of dedicated professionals located in San Diego County who provide care planning needs for asset preservation, long term care, aging in place and general end of life solutions. The team at SAC consists of affiliated members who are dedicated to helping families recognize the need for long term care planning BEFORE it is truly needed. On July 22nd attendees will hear from all the SAC advisors and have the opportunity to connect with advisors after the event to ask specific questions. This event is also available via Zoom and the meeting link will be provided at the time of registration. Visit for a full list of advisor specialties.

August 26th – Southern Caregiver Resource Center 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Southern Caregiver Resource Center (SCRC) is the leading provider of free caregiver support services that include education, care planning, case management, counseling, respite care and support groups. The August 26th presentation will focus on the physical, social, and emotional changes of an aging adult, and successful ways of aging well. The importance of Long Term Care planning will be shared, discussing important factors such as level of care needed, expected costs, and where to turn for help when planning. This event is also available via Zoom and the meeting link will be provided at the time of registration. For more information on the numerous services SCRC offers, visit

Registration is required for the above events. Presentation locations vary. Seating is limited and early registration is recommended. To register, go to and view the Activities Calendar. Or RSVP to tierrasantavlg@ or 858-569-9119.

Member-to-Member Forum: Travel for Seniors
July 12th, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.

The Care and Wellness Committee is again presenting one of its Member-to-Member Forums where members share ideas and strategies. The topic for this forum is “Traveling as a Senior.” Whether you are an avid traveler or ready to start traveling again post-COVID or curious about how to accommodate your needs as a senior, come join your fellow Villagers as we explore traveling after the age of 50.

We will be sharing money-saving strategies, tips for traveling safely, and discussing the pros and cons on such topics as planning your own itinerary vs an organized tour; and hotel vs renting an apartment or house. There is a myriad of items to discuss from overcoming jet lag to creating a packing list; from maneuvering the TSA and airport mazes to the best travel insurance sources. Please register.

Time Bank Topics
Reciprocity is the title of one of the 5 Core Values of our Time Bank. It further states: “We need each other. Giving and receiving are the basic building blocks of positive social relationships and healthy aging in place.” The illustration of this value has been the experience of members who have used their time credits for airport transportation by member drivers, help at home in the form of gardening assistance, borrowing carpet cleaning equipment, and computer help.
If you have not looked at the website, please take a look, there are more offers as well as requests. You may be able to respond!
Please also consider attending the following event. New members are always welcomed! 
Time Bank Garden Party
Saturday, July 13th
3:00 to 5:00 pm
Get to know fellow Time Bankers one-on-one, and learn more about what we can offer each other. Remember, Time Bankers don't ask for favors or pay money for services. We trade among each other, and have fun doing it.

Register here on or before July 8th. We are looking forward to seeing you!

Time Bank Committee: Carmela Cavero, Lesley Fitzpatrick, Delise Konigsbach

Tuesday Lunch Bunch
July 16th at 11:30
Bud's Louisiana Cafe
Solo Network (SNAP)
Troy's Greek Restaurant
July 20th, 1:00 p.m.
Admiral Baker
July 23rd, 11:30 a.m.

Chipotle Fundraiser
July 31st, 4-8 PM
Join fellow members for a meal at Chipotle and earn 25% of sales for TVSD! The fundraising hours are 4-8 p.m. but many of our members plan to attend between 5-6 p.m. Bring the flyer below or use the promo code for pick up orders. Thank you for supporting TVSD!

July 2024 Village Events
Check out the full Event Calendar for all of the upcoming events, classes, and activities!

Thinking about joining Tierrasanta Village? 
Attend the next Informational Happy Hour! This event is an excellent way to meet our members and learn about the Village Movement.

Every 3rd Wednesday 4 to 5:30 p.m.

Let us know you'll be there with a Call/Text to 858-569-9119 or email 

Tierrasanta Village
Clubhouse Address:
5275 Rimpark Lane
 San Diego, CA 92124
Mailing Address:
10601 Tierrasanta Boulevard, G-405
San Diego, CA 92124