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Date: 7/31/2024
Subject: Village Vibes Newsletter - August 2024
From: Tierrasanta Village of San Diego (TVSD)


A Message from the Board President
I hope this month's newsletter finds everyone doing well.

We are disappointed our effort to have a part time business manager did not work out. The Board, and other leaders, will be assessing how best to adapt to this recent change. The timing is fortuitous as the Board is exploring how best to deliver the services our members will need in the future. As we look at options, the possibility of additional staffing will be on the table. I believe we have learned a few helpful things from our business manager experiment.

Good news for us is that Cassandra has offered to expand her hours from 20 per week, to 30 per week. This will go a long way toward allowing us to keep our many initiatives running smoothly. It will allow us the time we need to continue to work through our review of how best to deliver our services, and what services we should offer. Please respond when the questionnaire being developed is sent out. The higher the rate of return, the better decisions that can be made.

This change will, however, require members to step up and volunteer to fill in for Cassandra from time to time. We will occasionally need volunteers to cover the VMC office hours, as well as, when she is on vacation and on her days off. This is nothing new, as we have enjoyed a volunteer spirit among us throughout our 15 + years. As we wrestle with what services will be needed, and how best to deliver them, I anticipate volunteers will be needed to help implement some of the ideas. I believe, working together, only good things lie ahead.

I offer two thought provoking quotes this month, as I couldn’t decide on one.

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands — one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” — Audrey Hepburn

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Gandhi

I hope you enjoy the rest of summer.

- Ken Ross, TVSD Board President

Lessons From The Blue Zones
August 16th will be the first showing in the Blue Zone Documentary series. Join members of the TVSD Eating Well interest group for a viewing of this fantastic documentary: Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones takes members around the world to investigate the diet and lifestyles of those living the longest lives.

Explore the original blue zones, be immersed in their culture and lifestyles, and see how Blue Zones is applying the research in communities across the United States. Documentarian Dan Buettner offers insight on how to benefit from following at least some of their leads, because the only thing better than looking good as you age, is feeling good as you age!

Watch the official trailer here.

This is a four part series, with the first episode showing on Friday, August 16th at 2 p.m. Additional viewing dates are August 29th, September 6th, and September 16th. All showings are 2-3 p.m. Each episode stands alone, so you do not need to attend every viewing to take part overall. If you must miss one of the videos, the event host Cassandra, will do her best to help you find a way to view the missed episode.

Thanks to a grant TVSD received earlier this year, each attendee will receive two books to help them implement what they learn from the series!

There are now two televisions in the VMC so there is plenty of viewing space from the top level for anyone who would prefer to not go downstairs. Register here for the August 16th showing. Thanks to members of the Eating Well Group who will share snacks and refreshments at this event. We hope to see you there!

Intergenerational Engagement Opportunity with UCSD
There is an Intergenerational Engagement Opportunity available through UCSD on August 16th 10-11:30AM. Several members took part in this event last year and really enjoyed it! Volunteers are needed to help with storytime for kids ages 2-5. The event flyer and registration information are available here. Sign up through the provided link and be sure to let Marilyn Bente ( know you are registered so the TVSD volunteers can plan to attend together.

Social Committee Updates

Have you signed up for the Summer Luau? The Luau is being held on August 23, on the patio at Tierrasanta Lutheran Church, 5:30-7:00 PM. The deadline for signing up is coming up fast, August 7. We have a caterer and an entertainment group that needs this early confirmation. So, please help the Luau planning team by signing up now if you plan to come.
The cost to cover the dinner, drinks, dessert, entertainment, and décor is $25 per person, payable at the time of registration via credit card or please send a check to TVSD. A non-alcoholic Hawaiian drink and water will be available. You may bring your own drink if you prefer.

Here’s why you don’t want to miss this fun event!!!

- We are having a traditional Hawaiian dinner catered by L & L Hawaiian Barbeque!
The planning team is making a refreshing Hawaiian drink and dessert.
- Dancers from Makani Kai Polynesian Dance Troupe will be performing. Audience
participation will be an optional bonus!
- Our Village Vocals will add to the entertainment with a few songs!
- Most important, this is a wonderful opportunity to have some fun and socialize with
other Villagers.
- The Social Committee Planning Team hopes to see you all there!!!
Register here before August 7th - thank you!

Care Committee Corner
City of San Diego “Knox Box” Program

Most of us have probably heard of a realtor’s lock box—the box on the front door of a home for sale, which allows realtors access to a home for showings to potential buyers. But what is a Knox Box? Why does the City of San Diego have a Knox Box program, and how might we benefit from it?

A Knox Box sounds a lot like a lock box, and indeed, it does have some similarities. It is a box with a key inside to allow access to a home, but the access is for the fire department, rather than realtors. Wouldn’t that be helpful if you had a medical emergency? Or if a fire was threatening your home, and you were unable to exit? Also, there would be no need to replace your door if the firefighters broke it down to gain access! Let’s see what the City of San Diego website has to say about the Knox Box, and their Knox Box program.

The City website explains that “The Knox Box Program provides the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department with a quick and easy means to access a secured building or area during an emergency. It also minimizes potential costly repairs caused by forcible entry and allows the building to be re-secured quickly and easily”. The boxes are called Knox Boxes because they are manufactured by the Knox Company. The City of San Diego site mentions that the “Fire-Rescue Department has had a Knox Program in place for over forty years and cannot access lock boxes or other switches manufactured by other companies”.

Although the Knox Box program is very helpful for those who need it, it is not without cost. The City of San Diego website lists six steps for enrolling in the Knox Box program. Here is a brief summary:

1. “Review the Knox Box Requirements and Procedures for Ordering policy”. There is a PDF form to review.
2. “Complete the Knox Product Application”. Another PDF, listing various types of Knox products, and their costs.
3. “Choose the products you want to order from the Residential (PDF) Product Authorization Form. The Residential Form is for single family homes only”.
4. “Mail the completed Knox Product Application, Knox Product Authorization Order Form, and a check or money order for $153.00….made out to “City Treasurer”….”. It then lists the address, and states that the $153.00 is a one-time fee for Knox product lock-ups and final inspection.
5. “The San Diego Fire-Rescue Department will process and sign the order form authorizing the installation.” They then email the applicant (you), and you send the order form and payment to the Knox Company.
6. When you receive your Knox Box, you contact the City’s Knox Program Coordinator to have your keys installed. There is a link on the site for contacting the Program Coordinator.

For complete details, and to help you decide if a Knox Box is for you, please visit the City of San Diego website and search “Knox Box”.

Time Bank Garden Party
Thank you to the Time Bank committee for a wonderful Garden Party! 

Time Bank Committee: Carmela Cavero, Lesley Fitzpatrick, Delise Konigsbach

New Supporting Partner
Thank you to our newest Supporting Partner Heavenly Yogurt! If you haven't had a chance to visit Heavenly recently, the new owner Ross Friend has expanded the menu and Acai Bowls seem to be the big hit among village members. Plus, there are always zero-sugar and non-dairy options available. There are board games for customer use, so perhaps we have found a venue for our next Games Group meeting??! Ross is providing Tierrasanta Village members with a special 15% discount on all purchases! That includes froyo, smoothies, and "pup cups", so bring your furry friends along. When you stop by be sure to tell him thanks for his support! 

Update - JFS Backpack Drive
Well done TVSD! Our village members worked together to provide 20 backpacks full of all the supplies students need for a successful school year. Thanks to the generous donations by our members, TVSD also provided Jewish Family Services with a check for $335!
A big thank you to our TVSD Community Outreach Team as well, Sheila Weiner and Marilyn Bente, for organizing this back pack drive!

Honor Flight Card Writing Campaign
Our Village will again be supporting the Honor Flight Card and Letter Campaign on Tuesday, August 20, at 2:00, at the clubhouse. This will be the fourth time that we have participated in this community outreach activity to honor our country’s veterans. This program was brought to our attention two years ago by one of our members, Gunnar Schalin, who was an Honor Flight participant and who has encouraged our village to become involved. At our August 5 Monday Members Meeting, Gunnar is going to share with us the selection process for the Honor Flight and what it entails for the trip to Washington D.C. Be sure to attend to find out about this wonderful, patriotic program!

Here is a thank you letter from the organizers of Honor Flight for our support:

Dear Honor Flight San Diego Friends & Supporters:

Thank you so much for your continued support for Honor Flight San Diego! Your Mail Call letters and cards are always one of the highlights for our Veterans on their Tour of Honor to Washington DC!

Our next flight is scheduled for September 27th! We will be including 90 WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War Veterans on this flight but won’t have specific details until closer to flight time. Honor Flight San Diego will be collecting Mail Call all summer long in order to assure that we have lots of cards and letters for our heroes in Sept.

Village Members: You can personally support this program by doing three things.

1.) Donate any thank you cards or blank cards that would be appropriate to write a note to a veteran. Marilyn Bente will be collecting them.
2.) Come to the clubhouse on Tuesday, August 20, to join other Villagers in writing these notes of appreciation to the Honor Flight veterans.
3.) Write some appreciation notes on your own time and bring them to the clubhouse by August 20.
This is an opportunity for some of our “one time” volunteers! Please register here.

Thank you,
Marilyn Bente

Someone We Should Know
by HT Linke and Carol Lee

HT Linke was born while his dad was serving overseas in the Army during World War II. His parents, Howard and Helen, were expecting their first child when Howard and his Air Defense unit were deployed first to North Africa and later to Sicily, Italy, Southern France, and Germany by the end of the war. Howard did not meet his new son until he was almost two years old in the fall of 1945. HT’s sister, Hawley, was born two years after their dad returned home.

Like nearly everyone, his dad’s family struggled to get by during the Depression, but Howard found a way to get through college and graduated in 1937 with a degree in Civil Engineering. The family lived in Connecticut until HT was ten years old, when they moved to La Mesa, California. Arriving in San Diego in the mid-fifties, his dad looked for work in the area and was hired by the City of La Mesa as part of the City Engineer’s office. The first project he worked on was the widening of University Avenue from the San Diego City line through to Spring Street in downtown La Mesa. He later became the traffic engineer for La Mesa and retired in the 1960s. HT’s mom dabbled in real estate and belonged to many civic and patriotic organizations.

Growing up in La Mesa, HT graduated from Helix High School where he participated in track, wrestling, and was on the speech and debate teams. After a year at San Diego State, he transferred to the University of New Hampshire, his dad’s Alma Mater, and graduated with a degree in business administration in 1967. In the spring of that year, he married Carol Parker, who was from Keene, NH, knowing that he would be going into the Army. In June he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the morning, graduated from UNH in the afternoon, and then HT and Carol packed their belongings into a tiny trailer and set off for Fort Benning, Georgia, the home of the U.S. Army Infantry.

When they married, Carol had completed her junior year at UNH. When HT went to Vietnam, she returned to school and graduated with a degree in elementary education. After Vietnam and another year at Ft. Benning, HT was sent by the Army to grad school to earn a master’s degree in journalism and public relations, while Carol earned a master’s in early childhood education. As they moved, Carol taught in many schools and was certified to teach in nine states and with the Department of Defense, specializing in kindergarten, first, and second grade.

In all, HT spent thirty years in the army: Berlin during the cold war, dealing with British, French, and Russian soldiers; Vietnam for a year; then back to Fort Benning, where his daughters, Chali and Kari, were born. The family of four moved often due to HT’s reassignments, living in San Francisco, Alaska, Hawaii (twice), Pennsylvania (twice), Washington, DC, Kansas, and Korea. In addition to his tour in Vietnam, HT says his most meaningful assignments were commanding an infantry battalion at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Chief of Media Relations for the Army in San Francisco, being the press aide to the Secretary of the Army in the Pentagon, and Chief of Public Affairs for all the military forces in Korea. His final assignment before retiring was Chief of Public Affairs for the U.S. Army in the Pacific.

After retirement, HT began working for the American Red Cross and managed public affairs and marketing in Los Angeles, the second largest Red Cross chapter in the country. In 2007 he and Carol moved to San Diego, and he eventually took a position working remotely for the National HQ of the Red Cross in Washington, DC. In that job he was often called upon to deploy to disasters, like hurricanes and wildfires, serving as the senior PR person for the Red Cross at many disaster operations.

Carol and HT moved to Tierrasanta in 2012. Two years ago they were invited to a TVSD Taco Party and learned about the Village. HT connected with our golfers and played as a guest before they joined TVSD. HT still golfs with the group and now sets up the weekly golf outings. Carol enjoys playing bridge, Bunko and Mah Jong. Together they have attended several of our social events.

When I asked him for wisdom he had gained, HT told me, “Because of my time in the Army, living and working internationally, I have seen a lot of countries in dire straits, and on Red Cross disaster operations I often saw people going through the worst days of their lives. I cannot forget those things, and I recognize the opportunities I’ve had and the gifts I’ve been given, and I know that I need to be grateful for what I have every day—to be worthy of those blessings by doing what I can for others.”

Welcome New Members!
Wayne & Sandy Patterson

New Monthly Event
Ready for more Mah Jongg?! Member Linda Byrd will be hosting Mah Jongg at her home every fourth Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. Register now to claim a seat for this fun new game night!

Summer Speaker Series
Many members who attended the speaker series presentation have commented that they enjoyed the events and found them helpful. Several non-members attended as well and enjoyed learning more about TVSD. There is one remaining event in the speaker series:

August 26th – Southern Caregiver Resource Center 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.
Southern Caregiver Resource Center (SCRC) is the leading provider of free caregiver support services that include education, care planning, case management, counseling, respite care and support groups. The August 26th presentation will focus on the physical, social, and emotional changes of an aging adult, and successful ways of aging well. The importance of Long Term Care planning will be shared, discussing important factors such as level of care needed, expected costs, and where to turn for help when planning. This event is also available via Zoom and the meeting link will be provided at the time of registration. For more information on the numerous services SCRC offers, visit Register here to attend.

92124 Day is Coming Soon!
If you haven't yet heard about this fun community event celebrating our zip code, 92124 Day will be held on 9-21-24

Join other members at this community event!  Tierrasanta Village will help members enjoy this event by organizing the purchase of 8-person tables. These tables are a way for members to help sponsor the event and cost is $31.25 per seat.

Members will have a seat at a shared table to enjoy a meal with other villagers and view the talent show! Food is available for purchase and not included in the table/seat purchase. All of the important details are listed below. Registration and payment must be received by August 21st. Register here if you would like to purchase a seat.

Note that this is a free community event and table purchase is not required for attendance. Contact the Village Front Desk with any questions.  Hope to see you all there! 

Tuesday Lunch Bunch
August 20th at 11:30
Admiral Baker Clubhouse
Solo Network (SNAP)
Wood Ranch
August 17th, 1:00 p.m.
Studio Diner 
August 27th, 11:30 a.m.

August 2024 Village Events
Check out the full Event Calendar for all of the upcoming events, classes, and activities!


Thinking about joining Tierrasanta Village? 
Attend the next Informational Happy Hour! This event is an excellent way to meet our members and learn about the Village Movement.

Every 3rd Wednesday 4 to 5:30 p.m.

Let us know you'll be there with a Call/Text to 858-569-9119 or email 

Tierrasanta Village
Clubhouse Address:
5275 Rimpark Lane
 San Diego, CA 92124
Mailing Address:
10601 Tierrasanta Boulevard, G-405
San Diego, CA 92124