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HomeCore Team V2
 Core Teams are the Heart of our all Volunteer Village! 
Core Teams
TVSD is sustained as an all-volunteer organization through the dedicated leadership of our Core Teams. Each team of volunteers, working together, deliver the synergistic energy that defines our organization as a village. Your participation on one or more of the following teams fulfills your commitment to help us help others and helps sustain and grow our Village. Review the brief summary of each team’s functions and then contact the team leaders for more information. We need your help, but, more importantly your involvement will convince you that you are needed.

Care and Wellness Core Team

Bradlyn Mulvey

Team Leader

(858) 565-1325

The Care Team represents the heart of our mission to provide support and assistance to members so that they may continue living in their home. This team becomes familiar with the member's physical, emotional and transportation needs that may require more than our day-to-day support systems would provide. Members on this team respond by timely communication, home visits, bereavement support and other activities as appropriate. All of these activities are done within the individual circumstances and preferences of the member being served. Another function is to help identify and assist the member in accessing professional services as may be required and requested.

For more information about this critical function, please contact a team leader.

Fran Zweibel

Co-Team Leader

(858) 569-8194

Neighborhood Groups Core Team

Carol Burgert

Co-Team Leader

(858) 569-0491

The purpose of the "Neighborhood Groups" is twofold: to make the membership aware of the other members who live in their area and to improve the lines of communication between the members and the Board of Directors. It is anticipated that members will become acquainted with their TVSD neighbors, thus increasing their participation in Village events and activities. By providing a smaller and more comfortable forum for discussion, members will be able to share ideas, recommendations and voice issues & concerns.

For more information about this critical function, please contact a team leader.

Carol Higgins

Co-Team Leader

(858) 750-5892

Tierrasanta Village Time Bank Core Team

Delise Konigsbach

Co-Team Leader

(858) 277-0605

Purpose: Time Bank volunteers assist the Time Bank Committee whose role is creating, developing and administering the TVSD Time Bank, including training new members.

Volunteers foster the core values of time banking which are:
  • Assets  Every one of us has something of value to share with someone else;
  • Redefining Work  Building community is real work that time banking recognizes and rewards;
  • Reciprocity  Commit to give and receive;
  • Community/Social Networks  Helping each other, we reweave communities of support, strength, and trust;
  • Respect  The heart and soul of democracy lies in respect for others.
Time Bank volunteers share information with new members and potential members, and assist with gatherings and special events.

For more information about this critical function, please contact a team leader.

Carmela Cavero

Co-Team Leader

(858) 694--254

Membership Core Team

Sue Christian

Team Leader

(858) 278-6534

The Membership Team discusses and implements ways to spread the word to the community about the Village; recruits new members; and works to sustain their membership once they join. They also meet with potential new members, host informational socials to provide the prospective members the opportunity to interact with current members and to understand the personal benefits of a membership in the Village. Additionally, they host new member orientations, assign member buddies to each new member and encourage all members to remain actively involved in the Village. New ideas are always welcome!

For more information about this critical function, please contact a team leader.

Ginny VanBenthuysen

Co-Team Leader

(858) 268 8348

Social/Events Core Team

Marilyn Millikan

Co-Team Leader

(858) 560-6040

The Social/Events Team arranges a wide variety of events to adequately provide for the social well-being of TVSD members. Programs include activities geared to a wide spectrum of interests, ages and physical abilities. Special interest groups are encouraged. Some of the regularly scheduled events include: Pot Luck lunches, Holiday Parties and Day Trips to local attractions, regularly scheduled games, such as: Mah-Jong, Billiards and Bridge and afternoon movie viewing at the VMHOA Clubhouse.

There are also several special interest groups that meet at the clubhouse, local restaurants or in members’ homes. Already established groups are: Book Club, Knit and Nosh, Romeo Club and Snap. The Social/Events Team is always looking for new ideas.

For more information about this critical function, please contact a team leader.

Sue Christian

Co-Team Leader

(858) 278-6534

Volunteers Core Team

Marrilyn Bente

Team Leader

H (858) 569-5919

C (858) 688-2138

TVSD is an all volunteer organization that requires a wide range of skills to function properly. The identification, training, and scheduling of our dedicated team of volunteers is the real key to our success. Some of our members are highly skilled, with limited time for helping us meet our needs. Others have more time to give, but require some minimum training and/or orientation to meet the needs of our various teams. Each of our Core Team Leaders relies on the Volunteer Team to insure their function does not fall short of expectations. We will always need your volunteer hours.

For more information about this critical function, please contact a team leader.

Marketing Core Team

Cassandra Hanrahan

Team Leader

(858) 569-9119

The Marketing Core Team is a critical aspect of the Village.  This team must work to ensure that TVSD has a strong community presence, and that membership interest remains strong, thus sustaining the Village.

Marketing works closely with all the Core Teams, especially the Social and Membership Committees to reach its goals. It handles the Tierra Times publications and social media management.

For more information about this critical function, please contact a team leader.

Information Technology Core Team

Greg Zweibel

Team Leader

(858) 569-8194

The Information Technology (IT) Team keeps our website up-to-date and trains our members on how to use it. As a volunteer organization, our ability to keep all members informed on Village activity requires use of the most efficient communications possible. Some of our members do not have computers or have limited computer skills. Part of the function of this Team includes training members in the use of available technology related to our website.

If you can help with this important function please contact a team leader.

Don Stewart

Co-Team Leader

(858) 737-4425

Communications Liason Core Team

Mike Rigdon

Team Leader

(858) 300-6821

This is a continually evolving Core Team. The Marketing function involves working with many community groups to coordinate mutual goals for Seniors. Publicity involves creating informational Flyers for Village Events such as Tierrasanta Talks, Social Outings monthly, etc.

The Vibes is our monthly Newsletter of 8 pages, plus the Calendar and Advertisers page. We print 140 copies for delivery to various businesses and the Library and UPS Store to promote the Village around Tierrasanta. Also the Vibes is sent to all our members in PDF format, to save mailing costs. We also advertise through the Tierra Times Newspaper on occasion.

If you can help with this important function please contact a team leader.

Community Liason Core Team

Sheila Weiner

Team Leader

H (858) 277-8678

C (858) 336-4619

Community Liason description is under development. The intention is to interact with other community organizations and businesses in order to provide additional benefits and resources for the TVSD membership.

If you can help with this important function please contact the team leader.

Fund Development Core Team

Chair and Co-Chair Needed!

The Fund Development Team provides oversight and guidance to, and participation in raising funds to support the needs of TVSD. The Board Liaison works with volunteers to accomplish these goals.

The following five areas demonstrate some of the sources that can be utilized to develop revenue: Corporate (Financial and in-kind); Grants; Donations (Monthly and in-kind); Annual Donor Drive); and Fundraising.