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Date: 12/31/2023
Subject: Village Vibes Newsletter - January 2024
From: Tierrasanta Village of San Diego (TVSD)


A Message from the Board President
Have you ever wondered why, among other activities, Tierrasanta Village of San Diego expends so much effort in creating opportunities for our members to socialize? Many sources among us tell us how loneliness among people in the USA is a growing phenomenon, especially among senior adults. I read a study recently that, in part, asked respondents to share how many hours per week they spend with friends. This question had been asked in multiple studies over past years, and for decades the answers averaged 6 1/2 hours per week. For the period 2014 through 2019, this number had shrunk to only 4 hours per week: a 37% decline! The U S Surgeon General has labeled this as an “Epidemic of Loneliness”. 
In 2018, 1 of every 5 Americans reported feeling lonely or socially isolated often, or all the time. Loneliness can be normal; however, feeling so on a regular basis is harmful. When such feelings become excessive, or all consuming, they will interfere with daily living. Loneliness is associated with bleak health outcomes, potentially leading to a stroke, coronary artery disease, or even premature death. If more activities are available for people to participate in, more will attend. The more comfortable we all become, the more we will interact. Creating opportunities to gather and interact with our neighbors is one of TVSD’s primary missions. I must add, it is one that we do very well: just look over our monthly calendar!
As we continue to move ahead with neighbor helping neighbor, we hope all of our neighbors will feel welcomed. It is our social interactions that help us gain new friends and avoid the unhealthy feelings of loneliness. Every one of us can help TVSD pursue its mission. How? It starts with spreading the word. Talk to your friends and neighbors. Explain what belonging to TVSD means to you. Invite them to attend some of our events and/or meet with one of our leaders.

As we continue to implement our strategic plan, there will likely be changes to our organizational structure, maybe even in our management style. Be assured we are thoughtful in making our decisions, all with the desire to provide the services needed by our members in a fun, yet efficient manner. Input from our members is always encouraged and welcomed. It is the spirit of active involvement and team work that will assure the long term health of this wonderful organization.

Ken Ross
TVSD Board President


TVSD Holiday Party
- Member Mike Rigdon has shared his photos from last week's TVSD Holiday Party. Thanks to him and all the volunteers who helped to make this a special event!


TVSD Donor Drive
One week remains to contribute to the TVSD Donor Drive at!

 Thank you to all of the members and supporters who have raised $14,178 towards our $17,000 donation goal!!  

“Adopt A Family” Project: Four Cups of Tea


Dear Villagers:
As you recall at our November Monday Members Meeting, one of our guest speakers, Mary Tripp from the Afghan Refugee Project, talked about their “Adopt a Family” program during this holiday season. Our Village Outreach Coordinator, Sheila Weiner, agreed that we should support this program as a way to “give back” in a charitable way to help needy families. We had 17 members participate to provide gift cards and presents for the children of seven families, all of whom are recent refugees from Afghanistan where they worked for our government and military before the takeover by the Taliban. When I contacted Mary Tripp to let her know that we had all of the gifts wrapped and ready to be picked up for distribution to the families, she asked if I would like to accompany her to visit the families and to share in the opening of their gifts. I agreed and will never forget my experience of sharing “four cups of tea” that day!
As Mary and I set out from Tierrasanta to El Cajon, her SUV loaded with gifts from our Village, she explained to me that we would not only be distributing the gifts, but that we would be invited in for tea and that the children would want to open their gifts then. And, sure enough, each family welcomed us and offered tea and little snacks!
Those families were all so very appreciative! Their apartments and little houses were meagerly furnished, but full of love and a welcoming atmosphere. Mary and I visited four families and drank four cups of tea! As we watched the children open their gifts, I was overcome with such a heart-warming feeling, seeing their looks of awe, their smiling faces, and hearing all of their thank you’s. Some of these children had never seen wrapped gifts with bows and ribbon and didn’t know how to unwrap them. (Mary explained to me later that presents like that are not a part of their culture, not even for birthdays.) This experience is one I will never forget and want to thank those of you who participated in this project to make this all happen.
My appreciation goes to Sheila Weiner for helping to organize this project and to the following Village members who so generously bought gifts and wrapped them and who donated gift cards for the families to use for groceries: Jeanette Vlassis, Sue Christian, Linda Rees, Ginny Van, Fran Zweibel, Sally McArdle, Marcia Hodgson, Ann Lasdon, Rhoda Keegan, Melinda McGlinn, JoAnn Reichenbacher, Georgia Sparkman, Gunnar Schalin, Barbara Lester, and Carol Lee. Thank you all so very much!
Marilyn Bente
TVSD Past President

Normal Aging: What Signs May Need our Attention


Several weeks ago, the Care Committee asked members to respond to a survey regarding topics of interest for member-to-member discussions. The topic of normal aging and when to look for possible concerns was rated number one.

We have scheduled a member-to-member session to discuss this topic on Monday, January 29 at 1:00. To get you thinking, here are some issues that we will discuss: Driving (both in the daytime and at night), confusion about medications, isolation and loneliness, progressive vision and hearing issues, memory issues (beyond misplacing your keys), challenges with maintaining our homes. This is a good opportunity to come together in a safe setting to share our concerns, whatever they may be. We hope that you will be able to join us. Please register.

Someone You Should Know
by Carol Lee 
In 2004, Rhoda volunteered to help with tax returns for the military navy personnel at the Armed Services YMCA on Santo Road. While there, she saw a poster asking for help sewing quilts for children of the military. Making quilts for one family morphed into a much bigger project. Rhoda went to Japan in 2005 as part of a woodworking program at Palomar College and there she met her instructor’s wife, who was president of our local chapter of the American Sewing Guild. Rhoda showed her photos of the Comfort Quilts she had made—which incorporated nine family pictures to soothe children missing their deployed parent. The guild president soon offered the guild’s services to the Armed Services YMCA and promised to find local seamstresses to provide more quilts. Twelve years and over 6,000 quilts later…

At the American Sewing Guild's Annual Conference, held in San Diego, California, July 16-21, 2015, local ASG member Rhoda Keegan was honored with the ASG's 2015 Spirit Award. The Spirit Award recognizes ASG members for exemplifying the ASG spirit of creative energy, enthusiasm, inspiration, commitment, and organizational pride and loyalty. Nominees are submitted by ASG members. Such members go above and beyond to further the ASG's mission.


For the past 15 years, Rhoda has been a volunteer with the Armed Services YMCA of San Diego's Operation Kid Comfort, which delivers hand-made quilts to children ages 0 to 17 that feature photo transfers of their parents who are deployed by the U.S. military. The quilts are intended to help children cope with being separated from a deployed parent. Operation Kid Comfort has 14 locations around the United States, and the San Diego Chapter has delivered over 6,000 quilts in 10 years.


Rhoda told me, “The story, as I was told, was that a grandma had gone to Camp Lejeune in North Carolina to visit her daughter-in-law while her husband (grandma’s son) was deployed overseas. The couple’s toddler was gathering up daddy’s photos and putting them in his crib for comfort. Grandma decided that there must be a way for her grandchild to have pictures of daddy. Grandma designed a quilt for the toddler, and soon this became a national project of the U.S. Armed Services."


The program is still ongoing at Camp Pendleton. With the cost of photo transferring and materials for each quilt at about $25.00, eventually these funds were moved to other projects within the Armed Services YMCA.


Rhoda Keegan is very active in TVSD and is certainly Someone You Should Know!

Happy 100th Birthday to Member Dorothy Grissom!
Dorothy was raised in Iowa and became a stewardess for United Airlines after college. In her 100th year, Dorothy enjoys playing cards, doing puzzles, watching movies, and watching the stock market. She handles all of her banking and investments. She likes to shop and go out for lunch or dinner. She is grateful for time with her family and opportunities to travel. Best wishes Dorothy for year 101! 

2024 Groundhog Gala


This year’s TVSD groundhog party will be held on Friday, February 2, between 10:30 and 12:30. Our current plan is to have some brief introductory remarks by one or both of the Batterson village members — a little of the history of Groundhog Day in the U.S., and why we celebrate it with friends. The rest of the celebration will be weather-dependent. If this February 2 turns out to be a rainy or chilly one, we’ll plan to stay indoors and swap “worst weather ever” stories. If we have a clear, warm Groundhog Day, we’ll spill out onto the patio and have an informal “sock hop” with tunes from our youth in the 50’s, 60’s or 70’s. Whatever the weather, we’ll allow plenty of time just to socialize and snack. Please register for this fun event!


Fiddler on the Roof
February 25th, 2:00 p.m.
Join village members for this well known production at a theater close to Tierrasanta. San Diego Musical Theater is located on Mercury Street near Balboa Avenue & 163. Ticket prices are approximately $65 but a group discount will be available if a large group attends. Members will enjoy lunch together at a nearby restaurant. Contact member Joann Reichenbacher with any questions at Register by 1/8/2024. 

Tuesday Lunch Bunch 
Tierrasanta Mexican
January 9th, 11:30 a.m.
Singles Network (SNAP)
Filippi's on Friars
January 13th, 1:00 p.m. 
January 23rd, 11:30 a.m.

Save the Date
Next Member to Member Forum 
Topic: Dealing with Pain - Strategies and Solutions
Friday, February 23rd@ 1PM

Panera Fundraiser
Help "Raise Some Dough" for TVSD at the next Dine-Out Fundraiser on Monday, January 22nd, 4-8 PM. See you there!

January 2024 Village Events
The Clubhouse is closed 1/15/24 for Presidents' Day
Check out the full Event Calendar for all of the upcoming events, classes, and activities!


Library Book Sale
Jan. 5th (Friday) 11:30-5:00
Jan. 6th (Saturday) 9:30-3:00  
Jan. 8th (Monday) 11:30-5:00

Tierrasanta Library CLOSED Jan. 1st and Jan. 15th

Tierrasanta Village
Clubhouse Address:
5275 Rimpark Lane
 San Diego, CA 92124
Mailing Address:
10601 Tierrasanta Boulevard, G-405
San Diego, CA 92124